26/02/25 (Wednesday)
Construction of dead hedge
All are welcome and any time you can give on the day will be most appreciated.
Tools and equipment are provided, but please wear appropriate clothes and footwear and bring your own refreshments.
We usually meet at 11am on the second Sunday of the month and 10am on the last Wednesday of the month.
Please contact Chris Parker for details, for each workday, of where and when we will meet or to be added to the list of email addresses to be advised.
Construction of dead hedge
Coppicing, creating a dead hedge.
Coppicing, forming brash into a dead hedge.
Coppicing and fallen tree clearance.
Brushcutting and raking, coppicing
Cut down section of a fallen tree, brush cutting & raking Sherwood Glade, cut back encroaching vegetation on paths.
Brushcut and rake John's (picnic) Glade, plus various tidying jobs.
Volunteers from CGI (IT and Business Consulting) helping with tree planting and dead hedging.
Clearing coppiced site and dead hedging
Continuing coppicing and dead hedging
Continuing the hazel coppicing and dead hedging.
Tree felling ash and hazel coppicing
Brushcutting and clearing, scything and raking the butterfly soil inversion, transplanting some oak seedlings.
Log splitting, some brushcutting and raking, relocating oak seedlings.
Brush cutting/scything of the glade areas, paths, butterfly scrapes and soil inversion. The undergrowth in the various Juniper compounds also needs cutting back and clearing. The debris which has fallen into the pond needs to be cleared out.