Work day: 08/12/2025 (Sunday)

We will be meeting at 10.00 a.m. at the entrance in Woodland Way and the main task for the day will be to continue with the felling work in the new coppice area. As the area needs to be cleared ready for planting sometime in February when a team of volunteers from CGi are due to help us with the planting the coppicing must take priority but two other tasks also need to be done:

(1) A tree has fallen over the scalloped path that runs parallel to the one that goes through the Butterfly Glade and needs to be cleared.

(2) A stake in one of the Sherwood Glade Juniper compounds needs to be sharpened and repositioned.

Depending on numbers and time permitting, the vegetation encroaching the Juniper compounds in Sherwood Glade as well as in the other compounds located nearby could also perhaps be cut back and removed and the debris in the pond also needs to be cleared.

As usual FoF will be providing all the necessary tools for the above tasks but please would you bring your own gloves and tools (shears and loppers) if you have them. Please would you also bring your own wipes and hand gel as well as your own refreshments. Please also remember to wear long trousers/jeans to avoid getting bitten by ticks although FoF’s First Aid kit does contain tick removers if needed.

Please would you let me know if you'll be able to make the work day ( – many thanks.

This will be the last work day for 2024 and the next scheduled work day will be on Sunday 12th January 2025.




At the entrance in Woodland Way

The Friends of Foxley are a group of volunteers who manage Foxley Wood in Kenley, Surrey.