A team of volunteers from Croydon Conservation Volunteers (CCV) will be joining us for the work day and the plan is to meet them at 10.00 a.m. at the entrance in Woodland Way. The main task will be to use the brash stacked along the bottom path near the Ancient Beech tree to construct a dead hedge similar to that enclosing the Hazel Plantation.
We are having 4 cubic metres of wood chippings delivered to site but it’s not certain whether delivery will be made in time for the work day. If it is then we will be able to apply it to the new plantings in the Hazel Plantation as well as the re-plantings in the Rhododendron area. Otherwise a decision will then be made as to what other tasks can be carried out while the dead hedge is being constructed but, depending on the number of volunteers on the day, all hands may be needed to help with the construction work. As usual FoF will be providing all the necessary tools for the above tasks but please would you bring your own gloves and tools (shears and loppers) if you have them. Please would you also bring your own wipes and hand gel as well as your own refreshments. Please also remember to wear long trousers/jeans to avoid getting bitten by ticks but FoF’s First Aid kit does contain tick removers if needed.
Work day Report
With the valuable help of Croydon Conservation Volunteers, led by Nicola Hunt, a dead hedge along part of the path near the Ancient Beech was constructed. Anthony Mills cut some large planks from trees that had previous been felled for safety reasons. We intend to use some these for constructing benches and tables. The wood chip mulch for the recently planted hazels has yet to arrive so that job will by done on a future work day.